2024 Free Practice Test 6

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Who was the first prime minister of Great Britain?

What brought new ideas in politics, philosophy and science?

When was Charles Edward Stuart defeated by George II’s army?

At the time of the Industrial Revolution, Britain’s colonies expanded in Australia, Canada and southern Africa.

Where was Charles Edward Stuart defeated by George II’s army?

When was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Created?

______, it became illegal to trade slaves in British ships or from British ports.

Trading and settlements overseas brought Britain into conflict with_____

Identify the TRUE statement regarding Industrial Revolution.

Who developed machinery to make the textile industry more efficient?

When was the act of union passed?

When did the Emancipation Act abolish slavery throughout the British Empire?

When was the Enlightenment occurred?

Robert Burns was a ________

The Act of Union also know as

Who introduced ‘shampooing’ the Indian art of head massage to Britain?

Until the 18th century the UK was mainly agricultural. True or False?

Who chose George I, a German, to be king in 1714.

At the time of the Industrial Revolution, working conditions were very poor. Adults and children were often forced to work long hours in dangerous situations.

From _______, newspapers were allowed to operate without a government licence.

Who succeeded in turning public opinion against the slave trade?

Who opened the first curry house in Britain?

When did king become a constitutional monarch?

When did George I become king of Great Britain and Ireland?

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