2024 Free Practice Test 4

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Who built up the monarchy’s financial reserves?

Who sent large fleet of ships to conquer England and restore Catholicism?

What age was Edward VI when he died?

The battle of Bosworth is one of the most important battles in English history.

Who was strengthened the central administration of England?

Was Elizabeth I Married?

When did Henry Tudor (Henry VII) defeat King Richard III in the battle of Bosworth Field?

The House of Lancaster beat the House of York at the ___________

Who was set up the Church of England?

When did the English defeat the Spanish Armada?

Elizabeth became one of the most popular monarchs in English history, particularly after 1588. True or False?

When did large fleet of ships send by Spain to conquer England and restore Catholicism?

Where was Shakespeare born?

The queen of Scotland, Mary Stuart (often now called ‘Mary, Queen of Scots’), was a ______

Who was most famous for marrying six times?

Who became King Henry VII?

Mary Stuart was only a week old when her father died and she became queen. True or False?

Queen Elizabeth I was a Protestant but avoided any serious religious conflict in England. True or False?

Who wrote Macbeth?

Who became queen after Edward VI?

Who wrote A Midsummer Night’s Dream?

Who was most famous for breaking away from the Church of Rome?

When did the Battle of Bosworth Field take place?

During whose reign the Book of Common Prayer was written

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