2024 Free Practice Test 1

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Who made the first coins in Britain?

Who never succeeded in conquering all of Scotland?

The Romans invaded Britain in _____

How long were the Romans in Britain?

When did the people learn how to make weapons and tools out of iron?

Who was the queen of the Iceni?

What is the best preserved prehistoric village in northern Europe?

Who had made ornaments and weapons with bronze and gold?

The Anglo-Saxons were not Christians. True or False?

When did the first Christian communities begin to appear in Britain?

Who was the first person in England to print books using a printing press?

When did the first farmers arrive in Britain?

When was the Roman army left from Britain?

Who built houses, tombs and monuments such as Stonehenge in Wiltshire?

The Romans invaded Britain in AD 43 and remained for _________

Where is the statue of Boudicca?

Britain was invaded by the Jutes, Angles and Saxons after Roman army left in AD 410 True or False?

Who spoke a type of Celtic language that is related to Welsh and Gaelic?

When did people learn to make Bronze?

When were Anglo-Saxon kingdoms established in Britain?

What was the language of the Iron Age People?

Who lived in roundhouses and started to gather together in villages?

Who fought against the Romans?

Who made many beautiful objects in bronze and gold?

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