2024 Free Practice Test 11

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When was MRI scanning invented?

Who was Britain’s first woman Prime Minister?

When was the hovercraft invented?

When was serious unrest in Northern Ireland?

Who helped establish the Northern Ireland peace process?

Who wrote George’s Marvellous Medicine?

When did West Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands form the European Economic Community (EEC)?

When was the jet engine made?

When was Roald Dahl born?

The Northern Ireland Parliament was suspended in 1972 and the country was directly ruled by the UK government.

Which political party did Margaret Thatcher belong to?

When was the harrier jump jet invented?

Whose several books have been made into films?

Identify the TRUE statement regarding “Margaret Thatcher policies”

The UK is a full member of the European Union, but does not use the Euro as currency.

Mammal cloning happened in

When did UK join European Economic Community (EEC)?

When did Argentina invade the Falkland Islands and the British Navy regained control?

What is the full name of EEC?

Who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Who was Prime Minister after Margaret Thatcher?

Deregulation of the City of London led to its growth as an international centre for investments, insurance and other financial services.

The Northern Ireland Parliament was suspended in _________

Who led the Conservative government from 1979 to 1990?

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