2024 Free Practice Test 14

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In UK, everyone is free to choose their own religion.

Where is Some Gaelic language spoken?

Who is head of Church of England?

Which country has 3% of the United Kingdom population?

What was the population of the UK in 2005?

What was the population of the UK in 1600?

The UK population is ageing because there is a better standard of living and healthcare

What was the population of the UK in 1801?

What was the population of the UK in 1851?

What was the population of the UK in 1700?

Where is Welsh language taught in schools?

Church of England is a _______

Which country has 5% of the United Kingdom population?

In the UK, men and women have equal rights to work, own property, marry and divorce.

What was the population of the UK in 1901?

Which country has 84% of the United Kingdom population?

Historically, the UK is a ______

Which country has 8% of the United Kingdom population?

Everyone in the UK speaks English but there are also regional languages and dialects.

The biggest group of people in the UK is ______.

What was the population of the UK in 2010?

Where is Some Irish Gaelic language spoken?

What was the population of the UK in 1951?

What was the population of the UK in 1998?

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