A Long and Illustrious History Test 9

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Which among the following statements is correct?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which words are missing from this statement?

It was observed during the 1970’s that, ______ were trying to exercise more of their demands thereby causing much disturbance to the Government and harming the UK.

For the first time since 1974, no political party was found to win the 2010 General Election with overall majority. Because of this with which of the following parties did the Conservative party form the coalition government?

‘Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few’. Referring to which battle did Churchill make the above speech in the House of Commons in 1940?

Which year is missing from this statement?

Although standard of living of the people in the UK developed during the 1920’s, because of the Global Great Depression of ___ mass unemployment was observed in many areas.

What is the name of the renowned inventor who developed the television in the 1920s?

The UK progressed by leaps and bounds in Banking and Insurance services during the 19th century. What sector of the economy do these services belong to?

King James II of England, Wales and Ireland was also known as which King James of Scotland?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

ISAF is building up the Afghan National Security Forces with a bid to create a safe and secure environment so that development and good governance can be mobilised.

Which word is missing from this statement?

Since 2000 Britain has been actively involved in a global movement against international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass _____, including operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Which of the following statements is correct?

In the Battles of Dunbar and Worcester, whose army did Oliver Cromwell defeat?

Which among the following statements is correct?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

To reclaim his throne, Charles II marched into England with a Scottish army.

Who was the last monarch to have set foot in the House of Commons?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

The language spoken during the Iron Age was part of the Celtic language family and in some parts of Scotland, Wales and Ireland associated languages are still spoken today.

Fill the gap with the right word. It was a period of dramatic social change during the 1960s. This period was also known as _____ Sixties.

Which words are missing from this statement?

New laws were passed by the parliament during the 1960’s that gave women the right for _________ and also gender discrimination against women was made punishable.

During the middle ages what legal system were established by the England’s judges?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Name the most famous missionary and the patron saint of Ireland?

Which word to be put in the blank in the statement?

The ________ Acts of 1832 and 1867 offered more parliamentary seats to urban areas, abolished rotten boroughs and increased the power of people to vote.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Correct Incorrect
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