A Long and Illustrious History Test 14

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Which of these statements is true?

Which part of the world had grown substantial British colonies by 1760’s?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which of the following statements is correct?

What was the name of the Prime Minister after Margaret Thatcher, who helped establish the Northern Ireland peace process?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

The UK uses the Euro currency even though it is not a full member of the European Community.

Huge areas of lands were taken away from the Catholic landowners and subsequently colonised by Scottish and English Protestant settlers? What were these lands termed as?

What was the reason for the English to go to the Ireland in the Middle Ages?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

Sir Robert Walpole was Prime Minister from 1700–1730.

Language of the Norman French and Anglo-Saxon combined to become a common language during the Middle Ages. What is this language called?

At which age Edward VI died?

During invasion of the Normans in 1066 who was the king of England?

By what name was the Duke of Wellington also known as?

What is the Bessemer process?

What was the reason for which Mary, Queen of Scots been executed?

In the post-war years which of these developments did not take place in Britain?

Who introduced Feudalism in Britain?

What nationality did George I belong to?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

The English words ‘cow’, ‘apple’ and ‘summer’ are all inherited from the Anglo-Saxon words.

Charles II never legitimately owned which of the following?

What did Henry VIII become in Ireland?

Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?

The actual duration of the Hundred Years War between England and France was 99 years.

Which of these statements about the British Empire during the Victorian period is correct?

Correct Incorrect
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