Which of the following statements is correct?
Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
With the objective of conquering Scotland and restoring Catholicism, Spain had sent the Spanish Armada.
Which of the following statements is correct?
Where in the UK did Doctor Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin born in 1881?
The British ships used to engage slaves who had to work under horrible conditions. Where were these slaves mostly from?
Because of what prediction did Sir Edmond Halley become famous?
Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
Scotland was in favour of the execution of Charles I.
For which political party Did William Beveridge, the person who briefly served as an MP, subsequently served as a leader in the House of Lords?
A law was passed in 1847 that restricted the working hours of women and children. For how many hours per day was the work limited to?
Why did Parliament consider for reinstating Charles II to the throne?
Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
King James II of England, Wales and Ireland was a Roman Catholic.
Mary was eldest daughter of James II’s. Who was she married to?
Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
After the death of Elizabeth I, James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England.
Which of the following statements is correct?
Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
During the 19th century Britain had many colonies in southern Africa.
In place of George II, that is the son of George I, an attempt was made by a rebellion in 1745 to put a king of which dynasty?
Which of the following was inscribed in many of the Iron Age coins?
Where was Charles II said to have hid, after his escape from the Battle of Worcester?
Which of the following statements about Adolf Hitler is incorrect?
Where is HMS Victory kept for exhibition for the public?
In which year did Julius Caesar invade Britain?
Which are the areas that were badly affected during an outbreak of plague in London that killed thousands of people in 1665?
Why was Queen Mary also called by the name ‘Bloody Mary’?