UK Government, The Law and Your Role Test 2

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Which of the following statements is correct?

Cases pertaining to offences of youngsters and children are heard in the courts of one of the following places. In which places such cases are dealt?

Indicate the correct statement.

Which of the following statements is correct?

European Union is also known as The Council of Europe.

Which of these statements is correct?

Al-Qaeda, is the only terrorist organisation causing threat to the UK.

Name the country that does not belong to the Commonwealth?

What is meant by proportional representation the system implied for electing MEPs in UK?

UK Parliament website provides all information regarding the procedure for visiting the Parliament.

What are the members of the House of Lords called?

News and reports on political parties are covered by Radio and Television in a balanced way. In connection of the same which is the correct statement?

The most serious civil cases are heard in the Sessions court and the High Court.

Hearing of legal cases are conducted in the Magistrates' Court by qualified District Judges or Deputy District Judges. In which part of UK does this practice exist?

Which of these statements is correct?

Which of the following statements is correct?

What media do the solicitors avail in advertising their services?

Among the following choices which is the correct title of European Convention on Human Rights?

Which of these statements is correct?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Parliamentary democracy is maintained in the UK.

Which of the following responsibilities does not fall upon a member of Parliament?

Because of their sexual orientation is it acceptable that these people in UK to be ill-treated?

Serious offences are tried in Crown Courts before a judge and jury.

Correct Incorrect
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