UK Citizenship Practice Test 14

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Which of ACT of the Parliament of England confirmed the balance of Power between the Monarchs and Parliament?

Which country fought against whom in ‘The Crimean War’?

When were the American colonies recognised as "independence" by Britain?

How many people serve on a jury in Scotland?

When was Charles II crowned a King of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland?

Between 1870 and 1914 very large number of migration was observed from Russia and Jews from Poland. Where among the following places where more of them settled.

Which are the countries where British Empire spread to?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which of these Queens ruled for longer period in the history of England and Great Britain?

The term ‘suffragettes’ is associated with which group of people?

After the execution of Charles I in 1649, England became a Republic. But when did England turn into a Commonwealth country.

Which of the following statements are correct?

Is it true that the UK produced more than half of the world’s total Iron during the 19th century.

In which year ‘ACT of Union’ was passed?

When did Adolf Hitler come to power in Germany?

When did Civil War break out in England?

‘The more the people the more are the votes’. Which Act increased the number of people with right to vote?

Who was the author who wrote books and poems on the strengths of British Empire?

What is Victoria Cross?

Why does not the Welsh Dragon appear in the Union Flag?

How long did queen Victoria reigned over British Empire?

Who wanted ‘HOME RULE’ in Ireland.

Which of the following statements is correct?

How old was Queen Victoria when reigned?

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