Free Life in the UK Practice Test 6

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A cabinet is composed of very large committee.

Minimum age for driving a large lorry or bus, is

Which international organisation is continuously working upon maintaining Global peace and prevention of war?

Which place does Santa Claus emerges from

As per law children allowed to work from the age of

Earlier, The House of Lords, used to be the higher authority than The House of Commons.

Percentage of white population in UK is

As per the legal system, maintenance of Census is compulsory

What is the face value of a bank note in England

The dialect SCOUSE is spoken in

House of Lords enjoys the privilege to

Who is responsible for raising revenue through taxation or borrowing and for controlling public spending?

Who is supposed to be responsible for maintaining safety of a workplace?

Based on particular issues The Queen is authorised to either support or criticise the Government publicly.

Under which level AGCE fall into?

Like other countries of the world, Britain is also a member of the UN.

Jewish population percentage in UK is

Civil servants forcibly have to extend their open support to party policies which are either impractical or incompatible with other policies

In the National Assembly total number of members from Wales is

It is necessary to have one TV License to cover all equipments at one residence but separate Licences are required for maintaining appliances in shared houses or different rooms.

Parliamentary democracy is existent in the British system of government.

A film suitable to be watched by all, except for some parts that are unsuitable for children to watch, is classified as

Number of countries a Commonwealth comprises of

Collection of domestic waste comes under the responsibility of

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