British Citizenship Practice Test 2

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Black death is caused due to

Identify the correct statement

Which powers are strengthened by Henry VII to maintain his powers?

Who is called “the conqueror” in the Norman conquest?

Which two countries first visited Britain

After Mary's death the next monarch was Elizabeth. TRUE or FALSE?

Which of the statement is correct:

Identify the correct statement:

Which country became trading nation of wool?

Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?

Black death lead to which class development?

Who started first printing press in England?

Why the Vikings moved to Britain?

England and Scotland followed the same legal system. TRUE or FALSE?

The Norman Conquest was the last invasion of England. TRUE or FALSE?

Which two houses related to parliament in England?

Vikings decide to live in Britain. TRUE or FALSE?

Which of the statement is correct:

In the Norman conquest, who was killed in the battle by William?

Identify the correct statement:

In which year the battle of Bosworth field took place?

Hundred years war took place with which country?

During middle ages who remained independent?

Who introduced feudal system?

Correct Incorrect
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